Fromm Streambank Restoration and Riparian Planting Project


Fromm Streambank Restoration and Riparian Planting Project

Project Status


Fromm property was identified as a high priority for riparian restoration through Chelan County’s 2017 Riparian Prioritization Report funded by WA Department of Ecology. Lack of riparian vegetation and a high-eroding bank along with a line of relic rip-rap in the middle of the river were contributing to water quality and poor habitat issues. Through funding from WA Department of Ecology and with support from Icicle Work Group, Chelan County Natural Resource Department was able to secure landowner support, develop restoration designs, and obtain all required environmental permits to implement the restoration project. In 2022, six engineered log jams, boulder clusters using the relic riprap, a section of reinforced coir/willow mat, and over 2,000 native riparian plants were installed along 800 feet of streambank. Monitoring and maintenance of the project will occur for at least 3 years following implementation to ensure project goals are met in the long term.


The Fromm Streambank Restoration Project benefits ESA listed species and water quality in Icicle Creek. Additions of large wood elements, boulder clusters, and low-bank and high-bank native plantings serve to provide cover, nutrients, and pool habitat for salmon and other aquatic species, reduce sedimentation from rapidly eroding banks, maintain cooler stream temperatures through shading, and add depth and channel complexity in a reach that was over-widened by relic riprap in the middle of the channel.


Project Value

Project Cost

Project Funders Chart:


Project Summary Video:


Timeline Date
Completed Summer 2022
Timeline Details
Project completed.


Erin McKay
Chelan County Natural Resources
