Meeting Information
Upcoming Meetings
10:00 AM to 2:00 PM at the CTC Wenatchee, WA |
Past Meetings
Dec 14
December 3 Icicle Work Group Mtg
September 29 Icicle Work Group Mtg
July 9 Icicle Work Group Mtg
June 4 Icicle Work Group Mtg
March 6 Icicle Work Group Mtg
February 17 Conservation Group Meeting
December 12
September 16
- Alpine Lakes Radio Analysis Map.pdf (2.74 MB)
- Conservation Plan Survey.pdf (33.72 KB)
- DRAFT IWG Letter to WFC.pdf (11.97 KB)
- Instream Flow Committee Presentation 09-16-14.pdf (264.11 KB)
- IWG Agenda 9-16-14.pdf (21.12 KB)
- IWG Meeting Summary 9-16-14.pdf (32.29 KB)
- USBR LNFH Rapid Geomorphic Assessment.pdf (605.82 KB)
- WDFW Fish Passage and Survival Proposal.pdf (273.08 KB)
May 16
December 6
September 17
- AlpineLakes.pdf (547.03 KB)
- Draft IWG Operating Procedures.pdf (21.08 KB)
- Eightmile.pdf (525.4 KB)
- Habitatimprovements.pdf (398.32 KB)
- Instream Flows-demands-supply.pdf (795.69 KB)
- Instreamflowruleamendment.pdf (248 KB)
- IPID.pdf (516.53 KB)
- IrrigationDistEfficiencies.pdf (490.2 KB)
- IWG Agenda 9-17-13.pdf (118.18 KB)
- LNFH Fish Passage Evaluation.pdf (7.31 MB)
- LNFH Flow and Habitat Report.pdf (4.94 MB)
- LNFH Flow and Habitat.pdf (14.91 MB)
- LNFH_conservation.pdf (538.09 KB)
- Screening.pdf (474.65 KB)
- TribalFisheries.pdf (229.78 KB)
July 8