Basin-Wide Studies
Technical Report for the Columbia Basin Long-Term Water Supply and Demand Forecast, 2011 - Appendix D, Historical Stream Flow by WRIA
Climate Change Vulnerability and Adaptation in the North Cascades Region, Washington
Wenatchee Watershed Planning, Phase IV - Detailed Implementation Plan, April 2008
Multi-Purpose Water Storage Assessment in the Wenatchee River Watershed, June 2006
WRIA 45 Summary of Groundwater/Surface Water Interaction and Groundwater Resource Reference, January 6, 2005
Climate Change
Climate Change Vulnerability and Adaptation in the North Cascades Region, Washington
Changing Streamflow in Icicle, Peshastin, and Mission Creeks and Flow Charts- Appendix G of the Final Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement for Icicle Creek
Final Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement
Document List
- FPEIS Cover Letter, Table of Contents and Executive Summary.pdf (1.45 MB)
- FPEIS CH 1 - Introduction.pdf (2.12 MB)
- FPEIS CH 2 - Alternatives.pdf (14.03 MB)
- FPEIS CH 3 - Affected Environment.pdf (8.78 MB)
- FPEIS CH 4 - Impacts and Mitigation Measures.pdf (13.12 MB)
- FPEIS CH 5 - Cosultation and Coordination.pdf (285.75 KB)
- FPEIS CH 6 - References.pdf (180.63 KB)
- FPEIS CH 7 - List of Contributors.pdf (96.75 KB)
- Appendix A - DPEIS Comments and Responses.pdf (24.27 MB)
- Appendix B - SEPA Responsiveness Summary.pdf (11.74 MB)
- Appendix C - Eightmile Lake Feasibility Study.pdf (10.14 MB)
- Appendix D - Alpine Lakes Optimization and Automation Feasibility Study.pdf (59.78 MB)
- Appendix E - WDFW Priority Species and Preferred Habitat List.pdf (179.38 KB)
- Appendix F - Easement Agreements and Deeds.pdf (45.5 MB)
- Appendix G - Changing Streamflow in Icicle, Peshastin, and Mission Creeks and Flow Charts.pdf (24.73 MB)
- Alternatives Table_final_0.pdf (283.06 KB)
- FPEIS SEPA Fact Sheet_0.pdf (109.66 KB)
History of Litigation
Wild Fish Conservancy, Harriet S. Bullitt v. US Department of Interior; US Fish and Wildlife Service; Leavenworth National Fish Hatchery; US Bureau of Reclamation.
Icicle Sub-Basin Studies
Groundwater Conditions at the Leavenworth National Fish Hatchery, Leavenworth, Washington, February 2010
Leavenworth National Fish Hatchery, National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Discharge Monitoring Reports
Icicle Creek Target Flow Report For Leavenworth national Fish Hatchery, December 2004
Leavenworth National Fish Hatchery Final Value Analysis, June 2012
Biological Assessment for Operations and Maintenance of Leavenworth National Fish Hatchery, July 2006
Preliminary Draft, Needs and Alternatives Analysis, Icicle Creek Sub-Basin Storage Study, March 2007
Seasonal Movements of Adult Fluvial Bull Trout and Redd Surveys in Icicle Creek, 2009 Annual Report, 2011
Progress Report, Icicle Creek Water Temperatures, November 1, 2005 - October 31, 2006
Technical Memorandum, Instream Flow Assessment of Icicle Creek, Washington, December 2005
Alpine Lakes Optimization, Water Infrastructure Project Grant Application Form
Leavenworth National Fish Hatchery, Proposed Flow Management Operations for 2009-2014, January 2009
Water Management Plan for Leavenworth National Fish Hatchery, December 2004
Instream Flow Committee Presentations and Data
Potential Projects List with Percent Benefit Curve
Instream Flow Studies for Icicle Creek
US Bureau of Reclamation, Technical Memorandum, Instream Flow Assessment of Icicle Creek, Washington, December 2005, Ron Suttton and Chelsie Morris
US Bureau of Reclamation, LNFH Icicle Creek Rapid Geomorphic Assessment (2014)
Icicle Creek Target Flow Report for Leavenworth National Fish Hatchery (2004)
US Fish and Wildlife Service, Icicle Creek Instream Flow and Fish Habitat Analaysis for the LNFH (2013)US Fish and Wildlife Service, Icicle Creek Instream Flow and Fish Habitat Analysis for the LNFH (2013)
US Fish and Wildlife Service, Icicle Creek Fish Passage Evaluation for the LNFH (2013)
Instream Flow Technical Committee
Instream Flow Committee (IFC) Purpose
Peshastin Sub-Basin Studies
Draft Feasibility Study, Campbell Creek Reservoir, September 2010
Peshastin Irrigation District Pump Exchange Project - Appraisal Study (December 2012)