Icicle Creek Boulder Field Fish Passage Improvement ProjectProject Status
Trout Unlimited
Icicle Peshastin Irrigation District
US Forest Service
City of Leavenworth
United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife
Trout Unlimited’s Icicle Creek Fish Passage Improvement Project is a successfully implemented salmonid passage project in Lower Icicle Creek. The project improves access into the upper Icicle watershed for Steelhead and Bull Trout by providing passage through the Boulder Field within a window of flow conditions by-way-of a constructed a step-pool channel. The project opens approximately 23 miles of mainstem habitat and dozens of miles of tributary habitat for anadromous fishes while reconnecting Upper Icicle Creek with the rest of the Wenatchee River watershed.
The project improves access into Upper Icicle Creek watershed for Steelhead and Bull Trout by providing passage through the Boulder Field. The project also improved City of Leavenworth raw water delivery piping which needed to be relocated to facilitate step-pool channel construction.
Project Value
Project Funders:
Bonneville Power Administration
WA State Recreation and Conservation Office - Salmon Recovery Funding Board
McNary Fisheries Compensation Committee