Icicle River Middle School Demonstration Garden


Icicle River Middle School Demonstration Garden

Project Status


The Icicle River Middle School Demonstration Garden was implemented by Chelan County on behalf of the Icicle Work Group with funding through the Department of Ecology- Office of the Columbia River. Icicle Work Group members, along with the middle school administration, saw an opportunity to turn an plot of unused, high water demand turf grass at the middle school, into a native plant landscape that requires less water input. The project supported the Icicle Strategy by implementing a water conservation project for one of the City of Leavenworth's largest water users.

The project began in Fall of 2022 with collaboration between Chelan County staff, middle school administration, and students. As part of their STEM class, students led design of this new garden that includes a walking path, outdoor learning area, and native plant garden beds. Implementation began with landscape removal which included: removal of 65 cubic yards of material (sod/soil/brush), installation of river rock, garden beds, soil/mulch to fill the beds, and basalt columns, with roughly 11,720 sq/ft of converted area. Basalt columns were installed at the west end of the plot with the goal of creating a functional outdoor learning area for the students to utilize for outdoor education and stewardship. Planting was carried out by the students and supervised by Chelan County staff. Approximately 260 students were present the day of planting, each having the opportunity to engage in a hands on learning activity and be involved in this school stewardship event. 



This project addresses several main goals and benefits:

  • Promote water conservation within the City of Leavenworth 
  • Demonstrate a Water Smart landscape for residential applications 
  • Showcase appropriate native plants and low water drip irrigation system
  • Create an opportunity for education on the middle school grounds 


Project Summary Video:


Timeline Date
Summer 2023
Timeline Details
Construction started
Timeline Date
Completed Fall 2023
Timeline Details
Project completed.


Mary Jo Sanborn
Chelan County Natural Resources
Abby Hendrickson
Chelan County Natural Resources
